Society technologies are all about new ideas for organizing society. Society technology Main article: Society technology The naval part of the tree is mostly dedicated to the invention of new ship types, but also includes a few new naval strategies that unlock or improve the effectiveness of certain naval orders as well as upgrades to civilian ports to improve the country's supply network and trade capacity. Some techs establish a more reliable supply of manpower and causes fewer provinces to be lost when territory must be yielded to the enemy. These consist of a mix of new weapon technologies, doctrines, and ways of organizing the servicemen and officers. Military technologies improve the army and navy. Military technology Main article: Military technology Production technologies also include advances to railways, and some even unlock goods unknown at the start of the game such as rubber, electricity, and automobiles. On other occasions they may be more abstract, such as more effectively utilizing labor in the manufacturing industries. These tend to be very concrete inventions which increases the output or yields in all kinds of buildings. Production technologies are all about increasing the country's economic capacity in various ways. Technology tree types Production technology Main article: Production technology The introduction of new inventions and ideas can also act as a catalyst for emerging situations in the country, with certain parts of the populace demanding these new developments be adopted or shunned. Very often, discovering a new technology doesn't have any immediate effect on the country but gives new ways to run it and new tools in its toolbox. While a few techs apply straight bonuses to various attributes of the country, the primary function of most techs is to unlock new actions, options, and even challenges. The technology system in Victoria 3 is meant to shape and change the game as the campaign evolves. On average, leading edge countries discover perhaps one new technology per year, though this pace can vary greatly from country to country. Many countries start with 20~30 of these technologies already researched – as their starting economies, legal systems, militaries, and diplomatic relations rely on them. The technologies are organized in such a way that each tech requires one or several others and leads to one or several others. There are 173 technologies split up across the three trees. The Victorian era saw revolutionary progress in three major areas which are represented through three distinct tech trees in Victoria 3: industry, military, and politics. Big government is a lot less fun.An overview of the beginning of the production tech tree. But as a country expands, controlling the minutiae of numerous states, colonies, and industries becomes unwieldy. The most common yardstick of success, a country's prestige, is elevated by a bigger economy, bigger armies and navies, and higher government wages. One unavoidable quandary kneecaps the gameplay. Technological advances in production techniques and social values spring not from spontaneous order but from the player's choice of when to pursue them. Even if they institute a laissez faire economic system, players are still responsible for trade routes and when to expand a wide variety of industrial buildings in each of their states, from motor factories to rubber plantations. The elaborate level of centralized control might be fun for a strategy game, but it is unrealistic compared to real life. The player is, with some aforementioned constraints, in charge of the government of their chosen country. The gameplay teaches players how economically interconnected the world was long before the internet and cellphones gave us instant access to the far reaches of the planet. Still, Paradox Development Studio deserves praise for the incredible level of detail in their 100-year simulation of the broader Victorian era. Victoria 3, the latest iteration of the game, has glitches, a steep learning curve, and so much happening that even a computer can get overwhelmed. The depth doesn't necessarily mean more control for the players, though, as they might find themselves constrained by political parties, government budgets, or technology. Spreadsheetlike formulas seem to determine everything from the price of paper in hundreds of states to foreign relations between every country. Newcomers to the Victoria video game franchise should quickly notice its depth and complexity.